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De Zerbi Tactics

Brighton Under the Reign of Roberto De Zerbi: A Tactical Revolution


Roberto De Zerbi's arrival at Brighton has marked a watershed moment for the club, heralding a new era of tactical innovation and attacking flair. This article will dissect the tactical nuances that have become synonymous with De Zerbi's Brighton, exploring their strengths, vulnerabilities, and the potential for European success under his stewardship.

Attacking Philosophy: Speed and Verticality

Under De Zerbi, Brighton adopts a high-tempo and vertical attacking style that prioritizes quick transitions and swift movement through the thirds. The team relies heavily on their ability to break the opposition's press and launch direct counterattacks.

Strengths: Possession-Based Control

Despite their attacking prowess, Brighton also exhibits a strong focus on possession-based control. They look to dominate the ball with a high percentage of possession and use their technical ability to create space and dictate the tempo of the game.

Vulnerabilities: Defensive Fragility

While Brighton's attacking prowess has been impressive, they have shown some vulnerabilities in their defensive structure. They can sometimes be caught out of position during quick transitions, which can lead to goalscoring opportunities for the opposition.

European Potential: A Realistic Aspiration

With De Zerbi at the helm, Brighton has emerged as a genuine contender for European qualification. Their attacking flair and tactical flexibility make them a difficult team to beat, and they have the potential to make a significant impact in continental competitions.
